TS7C – Kerkennah Island AF-073, Tunisia

Press Release #1



The F6KOP ARC once again on the road.

Hi friends, book your diaries between January 2009, 8th to 19th, you have a rendezvous with the yearly Provins ARC, F6KOP Dxpedition.

This year with the help of Mustapha, DL1BDF, the club is organizing a very important 12 day long expedition in Tunisia. The QTH chosen is Kerkennah island, IOTA AF-073.

This year it’s a F6KOP wish to permit some newcomers to discover the dxpedition atmosphere, by working with experienced operators, and gaining better skills in the pile ups. We want to make them the F6KOP new operators for the F6KOP dxpeditions of the future.
All HF bands will be worked, in CW, SSB, FM , and several digital modes like RTTY, PSK31, BPSK and also SSTV. As it was made for 5H1C, XT2C and J5C, the team will pay attention on 160, 80 and 40m, but all the other bands will be worked as well. At least six, but probably seven stations, will work 24h a day, all with PA’s into beams, verticals and wire antennas.
More than 25 operators are already completing the team namely:

Frank, F4AJQ, Team leader and former leader of all the past F6KOP Dxpeditions – SSB and Digimodes
Mustapha, DL1BDF, – SSB – Digimodes , – Public relation with Tunisian authorities –
Bernard, F9IE, – CW traffic leader
N6OX, Bob, – SSB traffic leader
Jean-Paul, F8BJI traffic leader.
Sylvain, F4EGD, – SSB and digimodes – He is also the QSL manager of the Dxpedition.
Flo, F5CWU – CW , SSB. He is also assistant QSL manager.
Gerard, F2VX, – SSB
Bill, N2WB – SSB CW
Michel, FM5CD – CW SSB Digimodes
Sebastien, F5UFX SSB  CW
Sebastien, F8IJV  SSB
Jean-Luc, F6BIV, SSB, Digimodes
Norbert, F6AXX  CW
Alain, F6ENO  CW
Dieter , OE8KDK – SSB/Digimodes
Stefan, OE8SKQ – CW
Mathieu, F5PED – CW
Eric, ON7RN – SSB CW
John, F5VHQ  SSB – (only for a part of the stay)
Romain , F8BUI  CW
Gillares, F1HRE – SSB
Franco, F4EVR, – SSB
Michel, F5EOT  SSB 
Gabriele, I2VGW – SSB CW Digimodes
XYL Anne Marie LAURENT, Photo reporter.

The last operator’s applyings are to be considered and this list will be completed very soon. So please don’t call Frank, F4AJQ anymore. The list is now closed.


Pilots Stations : Pascal, F5JSD, Serge, F6AML, Thierry, F4TTR and Bruno, F5AGB.
Webmaster : Vincent, F5MJV; the Website is expected to be active soon.